Questions (very belated) re Parashat Chayei Sarai
Here's the text in question (or the text that's raising questions): Genesis, chapter 25.
The text says that Avraham (Abraham) took a wife, bore six sons with her, gave all that he owned to Yitzchak (Isaac), then gave gifts to the sons of the concubines and sent them away to the east.
First of all, why would any man in his right mind father six children when he's over the age of 100 (or however old that is in contemporary terms)? How and/or who does he expect to take care of them?
Second, how many concubines did Avraham have?! Hagar was a concubine, but Keturah is clearly called a wife.
Third, does this mean that Avraham *finally* got around to giving a decent gift to Yishmael (Ishmael), whom he had sent out to the wilderness as a teenager with nothing but a container of water and some bread (a death sentence)? "Gee, thanks, Dad. Now that I've spent decades paying off my medical-school loans and putting my kids through college, *now* you decide that I could use some financial support?"
Who wrote this chapter? What the heck was/were they thinking, or weren't they thinking at all? It makes no sense.
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Myron Bassman
For me: Abraham no longer communicates with God, The relationship is over. It ended with the Akedah. Neither speaks with the other. Now after 10 chapters of involvement with God, Abraham can lead a normal life (in his time). No more anxiety. No more promises. No more tests. No more offerings. Just, no more hassles.
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Shira Salamone
Myron Bassman , I've always wondered whether G?d was ambivalent about Avraham's response to G?d's order to sacrifice Yitzchak. Personally, I think *both* of them failed the test, G?d for ordering it and Avraham for obeying without question. It's really interesting that G?d never speaks to Avraham again after he raises the knife to kill his son. Still, that's a weird version of a normal life.
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Myron Bassman
Shira Salamone I agree, both failed.
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Larry Lennhoff
There are some midrashim about Avraham having contact with Yishmael (or at least Yishmael’s wives) later in their lives.
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Shira Salamone
Larry Lennhoff , bless the rabbis for their wonderful imaginations--they're always trying to clean up troubling stories.
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Michael Lewyn
a person/Divine entity/whatever who wanted future generations to drive themselves crazy (or, in Judaism-speak, gain merit) studying these mysterious passages.
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